T A Still, the founder of Osteopathy
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Low Level Laser Therapy

In order to offer the latest in musculoskeletal medicine, combined with the best practice in osteopathy, we are delighted to be one of the first osteopaths in the City of London to offer Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT). This enables optimal repair for acute injuries and holistic treatment by stimulation of the body's repair processes to reinvigorate healing in chronic cases and conditions.

Laser therapy allows us to offer treatment immediately after an injury, to reduce inflammation and pain, so that we can move quickly to traditional osteopathic treatments. Non-invasive and drug-free, laser therapy is excellent for:

  • optimising post surgical recovery
  • promoting soft tissue & bone healing
  • minimising scar tissue & adhesions
  • maximising tissue elasticity

It can also be used as a non-invasive pain-free method to stimulate acupuncture points, providing a needle-free alternative to acupuncture.

The effects of laser therapy

Low Level Laser Therapy stimulates your body's own repair processes, which means it can speed up recovery from acute injuries, reinvigorate healing in chronic conditions, ease pain and complement other forms of alternative medicine, leading to three key benefits:

1. Quicker healing

Laser therapy increases your body's ability to synthesise ATP and proteins. It also increases your cells' ability to absorb calcium by changing cell membrane permeability, which can lead to quicker healing, and reduce scars from injury or surgery.

2. Acute pain relief

By increasing endorphin and seratonin levels and suppression of nociceptor (receptor nerve for pain) action, laser therapy's pain-relieving effects can occur within minutes.

3. Chronic pain relief

Laser therapy modulates your body's inflammatory response and stimulates tissue healing. As a result, it can help with mobility for conditions such as arthritis, and limit the progression of acute to chronic pain syndromes.